Restrictions on Powders in Carry-on Bags to US and from/through Australia
From Saturday, 30 June 2018,
All travelers flying to the US and from/through Australia, including transit and transfer passengers, will face restrictions on powders in their carry-on hand baggage. Powder containers equal to or larger than 350ml/g will be subject to additional screening at airports within Australia and the US.
Travellers are encouraged to place all powder-like substances in their checked-in baggage. Baby formula, prescription medicines and human remains are exempt.
So when customers arrive at an international screening point, in addition to taking out their liquids, aerosols and gels, they will need to remove powders from their carry-on baggage and place them separately in a tray for X-ray examination.
New rules for the US
Any container with 350 ml/grams (approximately the size of a can of soda), or larger, containing powder-like substances in carry-on bags or cabin baggage will be confiscated at Dubai (DXB) as well as Milan (MXP) and Athens (ATH).
Powder-like substances in containers equal to or larger than 350ml/gms purchased from Dubai, Milan and Athens Duty Free shops inside the concourse(s) located in the security-restricted areas of the airport must be placed and secured in Sealed Tamper Evident Bags (STEBs) along with proof of purchase or the receipt.
This policy does not apply to flights departing from the US or US territories, as the TSA has already implemented enhanced procedures at their security checkpoints for screening of the powder-like substances.
New rules for the Australia
All powder-like substances being carried in cabin baggage or hand bags will be subjected to additional screening by security agencies at all Australian airports. The agencies will decide if the substances are allowed in the cabin or not. Certain powders will be permitted in the cabin including baby formula, prescribed medical powders and human remains.
Kindly be informed so as to avoid confiscation at the airport.